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Just because you can does NOT mean you should....

I have so many things running through my head this week as I lean into the month of October and the many commitments that sit in front of me. I was sharing with my mother during our morning chat I no longer subscribe to the notion that people do what they want to do when they want to do it. I have personally come to realize that there are many things that people want to do that they just can’t do. Be it time, access, money, or capacity there are some things they (me, people, you) don’t have the space to indulge or participate in even if our hearts desire and that’s ok. I want to challenge a few of you to give yourself a bit of GRACE on the days, weeks, and months that you have more commitments and invites than you have capacity.

A few Sundays ago, I found myself in a pickle with limited capacity and lots of commitments. I committed to working several services at church on a combined air and car travel day. (2 hr. flight and a 2.5-hour drive upon landing --- rough right ☹)

When I created the schedule, I felt like I could do it with ease. My Yes was pure, I had time, I had everything I needed to make the day successful and prepared accordingly. What I did not account for is how much I had on the calendar or things that would take place the days prior to this day and when Sunday arrived it all came to a head. My body was tired, my mind (another story), I arrived at church late, served as promise and as I was driving to the airport-tired mind and body I was reminded of that cliche’ yet line of truth that just because YOU CAN does not even mean that YOU should!

Family, Friends, Readers and Truthtellers that is the reminder I would like you to sit with this week. As we continue the tug of war between doing the most and doing nothing at all to make Q4 and the last 90 days of the year impactful and finish strong I would encourage you to plan with wisdom. Plan for who you are now and not who you were before. As mentioned in full plate entry a few months ago, don’t bite off more than you can chew!

You have already proven what you are capable of and there will be no reward for who did the most if you did so at the detriment of your mind, your body, your family and more! Leave room between your moves to account for the life that will happen or the recharge and reset you may need between commitments and task.

You will not be judged for having no capacity.

You will not be less lovable if you say NO thank you or I cannot at this time.

You will not be less supportive because you had to miss one event.

Your honesty and transparency about what you can and cannot do is one of the richest attributes you possess. Spend it accordingly!

What thing or things have you committed to just because you have the skill set to do it?

When’s the last time you did a capacity check?

Do you need to add in some breathing room this week? This month?

Don’t look for extra strength based on what you are doing, find it within who you are becoming!!

Shifting Gears will give you the strength you are looking for to finish 2023 strong!

Love you forever,

Rochonda Rene’- xoxo


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