As a person who travels often it is never a surprise to me when the plane is floating or coasting as if one is in the mode of cruise control to maintain a certain speed or elevation. It is something I have become use to when traveling long distances. It does not bother me much because I fully understand it is all a part of the travel plan and no matter how fast or slow the plane seems to be going the goal of an on-time arrival remains ahead of me.
As I was traveling on a 3hr 30-minute flight across the states I found myself in full slumber for at least three of those hours. At this point I have missed every announcement, food service and update that the pilot or flight attendants have provided, and we were only 15 minutes or so until our initial decent. If you know travel, you understand this language and you know “initial decent” signals you are very close to your destination. I slowly began to awaken my bones, stretch a bit, and unplug my devices in preparation for landing. It is like your alarm going off the first time before you hit snooze knowing it is almost time to get up. As I gather myself and my thoughts, I realized that the plane started to hover as we reduced to a lower elevation. I could see the green grass and sky views of the city and a few local bridges too. Abruptly, the green grass became further in the distance and back up we went into the clouds where we would hold unable to land in our anticipated destination. In air terms they call this “holding” and when there are several planes awaiting to do the same, they say we are all in a “holding pattern” right now until we are cleared to land by air traffic control.
What I took notice to this time after all these years is that when we are “holding” there is rarely any detailed information provided about what is happening on the ground and where I am headed. The entire holding period is just a plane of individuals anxious to land in each destination with all control in the hands of the pilot and the ATCC (Air Traffic Control Center).
This experience immediately made me reflect on life itself and how many times I have been in a holding pattern with no control of my own but all control in the hands of the life PILOT and ATCC of my circumstance or season. I thought about how often we get a glimpse of where we are going just to have a roadblock, or a delay cause us to be close but unable to land. I started to think through how I handle these moments in the air vs how I handle these instances on the ground and I immediately had to repent. How often have you found yourself in a holding pattern? How did you handle it? Do you need to repent? Just like when in the air, on the ground is no different it is not in your control so there is no reason to be anxious, upset, or frustrated. What if I told you that holding patterns are NOT only for YOU but also for your destination to get prepared for your ARRIVAL. Sometimes where you are headed is NOT quite ready for you to touch down either! What if the reason my plane could not land was because there were not enough staff to assist with landing, luggage or those on the flight who needed additional assistance? Then we would land and still be waiting, and I don’t know about you but there is nothing worse than being in the right place at the wrong time or prematurely.
I write this week to simply remind somebody to watch how you respond to the holding patterns of life. Keep Preparing yourself accordingly but take in consideration that your destination is being prepared for your landing as well. A delay is not a denial has been proven true in your life over and over again…. The glimpse was necessary as a reminder to let you know just how close you are and to keep you on track with your own preparation. Learn to control what you can control and release what you cannot in any situation. YOU want a clean landing with all personnel in the right positions to assist you when needed. Holding is necessary! You appreciate the destination more when you had to press, prepare, and take a little while to get there! It will always be to your own benefit and everyone else around you as well for many different reasons. I could go on, but I will leave you with this there is NO GOOD THING that GOD will withhold from you. So, if you are HOLDING it is indeed for a reason! Prepare and HOLD STRONG, the landing will be worth it and you will still arrive right on time!!!
With Love & Support, RR xoxo