What's up Family!!
It’s been a whirlwind since Year 44 began on Monday , May 27th!
I have to first thank each and every one of you for your kind words, monetary gifts, memories, text, and photos it really did my heart GOOD this year! To everyone who killed the forty-four for 44 challenge , thank you for participating. For those of you who gave up along the way , it was the thought that counted, and you my friend still win!!
As we deep dive into the month of June 2024 I wanted to share some word flowers to encourage you all as you tackle life moments over the next few weeks.
To date everyone’s first question to me has been “ How’s 44?”
And honestly being right at 15 days I can say It is going … Going well some days , going great other days and going not so great at times too but guess what the life year just began so I am sure we ( me +44) are just recalibrating and adjusting to this new BIG age and all the things that come along with it. So, if I had to give an average of How’s 44 , I would say It is GOOD and FULL of surprises.
Some of the surprises have been beautiful.
Some of the surprises have been mind-blowing.
Some of the surprises have been unexpected.
When I was trying to find a word to describe some of the moments … EXPOSURE came to mind. Like I am being Exposed to new environments , new patterns, and regimens but I also realized that with my new exposure comes some EXPOSING and that is the tough part.
The more exposure you get the more things will be exposed about you (the person) and about others ( the people) .
The more exposure you give , the more people will be exposed.
Exposure is heavy.
Exposure is defined as the state of being exposed in contact with something……
Exposure is also defined as the revelation of an identity or fact, especially one that is concealed or likely to arouse disapproval…….
The prefix of “ex” means “OUT”….
When exposed to people, places, and things prematurely it can also lead to more Exits.
And unfortunately , not everyone is ready for that part of elevation and growth.
As this word continued to replay in my mind, I found the following things to be true and helpful when exposure leads to an (EX)it that could potentially interfere with getting to your next level!
1. Not all exposure is good exposure: Oftentimes we find excitement in getting invited or asked to do a thing . In our excitement we fail to examine ourselves and the opportunity to gut and spirit check if it is a right fit for you or if you are the right fit for it. Newsflash: Everything you are asked to do you are not supposed to be EXPOSED to. I know that is against your open-door season theology but when it comes to the heart and intentionality that is needed for your next it must be evaluated before YOU give it a YES or a NO. If not , you put yourself at risk of some level of exposure as well. Choose your assignments , activities, and people wisely! The last thing you want to do is be in the right place at the wrong time or the wrong place at the wrong time! #thereslevelstothis
2. Exposure forces you to extend Grace: When people are exposed in the workplace or the marketplace aka the streets , your family , your friends etc. We have been taught to press through it by providing grace and forgiveness if the exposure leads to any level of hurt or disappointment. Relatable? Have you ever been hurt by someone, given them GRACE, and assumed there would automatically be some changed behavior? Truth is, GRACE does NOT automatically yield growth. There is no guarantee of growth because you extended grace!! Be OK with that and set your boundaries accordingly in the future. The exposed expect the grace but they do not exercise any change in action. You don’t own the action ; you own the grace and the boundary!
3. Exposure is bi-directional: Exposure goes both ways. When exposing children or loved ones to new experiences and things everyone wins or walks away with something from the experience. When people are exposed, you learn something about them, but you also learn something about yourself! You learn things about your habits , your appetite, your triggers and so much more. The past 5 months of Twenty- Twenty-Four I have been exposed to so many things , some things I would dare to say prematurely and other things 100% necessary for my continued growth and discernment collectively. I have also felt SEEN in the most genuine way and feeling seen is a different level of exposure that requires a different level of vulnerability and availability. What I also learned from these bi-directional encounters is that I am not for everybody, and EVERYBODY is not for me even if they are around ME. ( Read it again) The same goes for you! Understanding the bi-directional nature of exposure, you must be intentional about the lesson and blessings attached to the exposure never forgetting that there’s something in it for you no matter what side of the coin you stand on.
Be diligent , be present , be honest , be you my friends but watch what you expose yourself and others to!! This life is NOT for the faint, and I dare not watch you forfeit what GOD has promised you because of the exposure or the exposed!!!!
In freedom and Sisterhood,
R. Rene’
Have a wonderful week!